Cellular IoT Communication
This page describes the possible uplink and downlink message contents when using NB-IoT or LTE-M (cellular IoT) as
technology to communicate with the Lobaro IoT Platform, e.g. the
firmware WAN
must be configured to lte
Parsed and optionally decrypted Wireless M-BUS data can be viewed and further processed in the Lobaro IoT platform. Third party systems can be connected to retrieve any wireless M-BUS data and status information using the different available platform integrations. This makes an easy data forwarding e.g. using MQTT, HTTP-Push or the REST interfaces possible without in-depth knowledge of the underlying actual communication of the platform with this firmware. Lobaro uses an optimized low power protocol secured by TLS for communication between this firmware based products and our platform.
The SaaS instance is available at platform.lobaro.com. It's free for testing purposes. Contact Lobaro to get access.
For this firmware the Lobaro IoT platform is mandatory. The low power protocol details to and from the products based on this firmware unfortunately will not be disclosed.
Other products have options for additional communication endpoints, e.g. a direct MQTT integration. These products are based on different firmware and marketed differently. Please refer to the product catalogue and/or contact Lobaro for available products with (Lobaro) platform free cellular IoT communication options.