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Server Certificates

The server needs certificates for different use cases.

HTTPS (Frontend)

The frontend is always serves via HTTP. To setup HTTPS connections to the Platform Frontend you will need a reverse proxy like Nginx or Apache.

By default we setup an nginx using docker together with the let's encrypt companion to provide HTTPS.

CoAPs (Devices)

Devices can used secure CoAPs connections to the backend. To use CoAPs a Certificate signed by Lobaro is required.

The setup consists of the following steps:

  1. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
  2. Request a Certificate from Lobaro
  3. Install the signed Certificate in the Platform

Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

Create Private Key

The key must be created at the Platform server and should never leave the system.

openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out platform.key

Do not send the resulting private key file platform.key to anyone.

Create CSR

Update "-subj" parameter in the command below according to you server and organisation.

  • C is Country Name: e.g. C=DE
  • ST is State or Province Name (full name): e.g. ST=Hamburg
  • O is Organization Name (eg, company): e.g. O=Lobaro GmbH
  • CN is Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name): e.g.
    • The CN must match your domain that is configured in the devices. It can also be an IP address.
openssl req -new -key platform.key -sha256 -subj "/C=DE/ST=Hamburg/O=Lobaro GmbH/" -out "platform.csr"

Verify your request with:

    openssl req -text -noout -in platform.csr

Request Certificate from Lobaro

Send the generated CSR file (platform.csr) to to receive a valid certificate for your Server.

Install the signed Certificate in the Platform

Add or update the following keys in the Platform configuration file:

dtlsCertDir: "./config" # This way the configuration directory is used to lookup the key and cert.
dtlsCertName: "platform" # Used to lookup "platform.crt" and "platform.key"
dtlsSecureCoapServiceEnabled: true # removed in > v1.59.1

We recommend to not backup the platform.key file. If it's lost, we can issue new certificates.

If you need to backup the key file make sure the backup is encrypted in a secure way.

In case you choose another location than ./config the docker-compose.yml must be updated to mount the dtlsCertDir:

- </host/path/to/cert-dir>:<dtlsCertDir>

To apply the Configuration restart the Platfrom:

docker restart platform_lobaro-backend_1

In case the commands fails with e.g. Error response from daemon: No such container: platform_lobaro-backend_1


docker ps | grep lobaro

You should find the container that is running the platform. The restart command can be issued with the CONTAINER ID or NAME