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OBIS-Code Configuration

Object identification system (OBIS) Codes are used to identify the different readings of a smart meter transferred in Smart Message Language (SML), which is a commonly used protocol on D0 optoelectronic interfaces. They are described in the international standard IEC 62056-61.


Every code consists of 6 separated group sub-identifiers. In general some of these identifiers may be omitted but our products require the full code.

The basic pattern is:

AMedium1 = electricity, 8 = water
BChannel0 = no channel available
CPhysical Unit, depends on Apower, current, voltage...
DMeasurement Type, depends on A und Cmaximum, current value, energy...
ETariff0 = total, 1 = tariff 1, 2 = tariff 2 ...
FSeparate Values defined by A-Ebilling periods, 255 if not used


Obis CodeMeaning
1-0:1.8.0*255Positive active energy (A+) total [kWh]
1-0:3.8.1*255Positive reactive energy (Q+) in tariff T1 [kvarh]